My Dear Rascals,
As most of you know, I had planned a strong summer riaz period, and projects of various kinds. I was unable to do that riaz, or in fact to do any riaz at all for a period of time. I am again able to play, and am hoping for for the best! Let’s see what the old guy can do.
It might be fruitful to maintain a sort of blog here for you guys. I suggest you come once a week, and see what I may have written here. When I have returned to sitar after a period away I have epiphanies regarding technique and also the music. I will try to record some of those things here, which you may find interesting and valuable.
Aural, Metaphoric Imagination
I notice right away I am not thinking at all when I play. No thoughts that I am aware of, no words. Even the important cultural happenings just now are not in my mind. Words, images and perhaps also it can be said, feelings and emotions, are replaced by sound and music.
Indian classical music is an ancient art - a time when the heavens were full of fixed stars and on earth, magic and mystery all around us and inside us. Metaphoric Imagination is a trait of ancient art. Nada Brahma is a truth. Raga is aural metaphor of a divine harmonious universe.
This is a good opportunity to see the affects of the new tripartite exercises, with me as the guinea pig. I am only playing 3s so far, of in-rag exercises. Starting at about 30 minutes only, a day. Fingers tips very sore. At my age, I am now getting sore knuckles and bones from turning the tarif pegs. I will start to use a narka as often as possible, I dislike the narka but no choice. Also, I am noticing my fingers fee weak. It seems to be related not only to being out of practice, but from age. For many years I time my riaz, in order to not over or under practice. I was going to not do that this and just let my body tell me how much I should practice, but I think I have changed my mind, and will gradually increase riaz. It is a bit safer.